الأربعاء، 13 يناير 2010

Basic Communication Skills for Pharmacist

The communication part of our daily natural with others, so that these relations exist between the people should participate in the ideas and feelings, and this participation will be easier between people who have good relations.
In the medical field Pharmacists play a very important role in the aspects of providing medical service to people and society, and to this service is excellent and true, those involved in them should learn proper communication skills because the pharmacist may own the medical information right but the means of delivery to the recipient of medical service could be marred by inadequate or error, which adversely affects the level of service and may even cause harm to the recipient, which affects the work of the pharmacist and the impact on sales volume and gain more customers.
The term pharmacist care describes specific activities and serves through which an individual pharmacist" cooperates with patient and other professionals in designing implementing and monitoring a therapeutic plan that will produce specific therapeutic outcomes for the patient".

Have you ever wondered?
What a pharmacist really does

                                                                             When you see the word pharmacist
                                                                                       What do you think of..         .       


Someone who works behind the counter in your local chemist?  But Pharmacist play a key role in the treatment of diseases, they advice both doctors and patients about dosage  and side effects of medications, that’s actually only a small part of a pharmacist

Being aware of your appearance, attitude, and issues.
What A levels do I need to become a Pharmacist?
 A-level chemistry plus other
 B-levels such as biology and mathematics .Also, learning a language and building up communication skills through effective learning courses


Pharmacists Work Environment

   Pharmacists work in clean, well-lighted, and well ventilated areas. Many pharmacists spend most of their workday on their feet. When working with sterile or dangerous pharmaceutical products, pharmacists wear gloves and masks and work with other special protective equipment. Many community and hospital pharmacies are open for extended hours or around the clock, so pharmacists may work nights, weekends, and holidays. Consultant pharmacists may travel to nursing homes or other facilities to monitor patients’ drug therapy.

There are 5 different types of pharmacist

1-Community Pharmacist

2-Hospital Pharmacist

3-Industrial Pharmacist

4-Primary Care Pharmacist

5-Academic Pharmacist

Community Pharmacist

• This is the area of pharmacy you are probably most familiar with a pharmacist in your local pharmacy. The traditional role dispensing prescriptions is developing as pharmacists increasingly are called on to give advice to people on how to use medicines in safe and appropriate ways.

Hospital Pharmacist

• They work closely with patients alongside doctors, nurses and other professionals’ hospital pharmacists need good communication skills and also need to be up to speed on it.

• Nowadays pharmacists get the chance to work in cancer care, heart medicine or with premature babies as there are now robots to dispense the drugs.

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